I have been playing the Great Highland Pipes for more than a decade and currently play in the Columbus Shamrock Pipes and Drums. I have competed with other bands as well as in solo competition. I have performed in parades, The Arnold Classic, and Columbus Clippers games. Additionally, I had the honor or performing before 380 cyclists at the Columbus Ride of Silence event.  With more than 100 performances under my kilt, I’m ready for your event. I enjoy sharing my passion for the bagpipes with others and look forward to hearing from you!

Photo credits: David R. Celebrezze; Meredith Southard (About Page); Devin Howard (Home Page Cover) (http://devinh86.wix.com/columbusbagpipes); Bryan Barr Photography (Video Page Cover).

Statement of inclusion: I do not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, ability, income, race, sexual preference or orientation, or religion. A diverse community is a healthy, prosperous and happy one.

"Twelve Highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion."-Proverb cited by Sir Walter Scott

